In 2019 OrganoWood signed an agreement with a German distributor. It was the result of a solid and persistent work together with Business Sweden.

“Business Sweden provided us with a thorough market check, 我们需要在德国市场上遵守的标准和认证的映射, 最终帮助我们找到了全国最好的销售和分销合作伙伴。”, says Jens Hamlin, CEO at OrganoWood.

From market check to partner search

2019年,PG电子官方免费下载商业还帮助OrganoWood在法国、加拿大和日本进行了市场调查. 目的是为公司提供趋势和市场前提条件的概述, to serve as input for the strategic decision to enter one or more markets. Furthermore, Business Sweden conducted a partner search in France and Canada. 范围是通过分析分销价值链和竞争对手的格局来定义一个合适的分销商概况. Business Sweden also identified top partner candidates, initiated contacts, and arranged meetings with potential partners.

“We are very happy with the outcome. 三家潜在的合作伙伴公司目前正在法国和加拿大进行合作. In France, 来自PG电子官方免费下载商业公司巴黎办事处的Cecilia Hedlund甚至参加了与一位法国经销商的会议. It was invaluable, not only for Cecilia's business expertise and language skills, but for her knowledge of the culture. To summarise: Business Sweden was with us all the way”, says Jens Hamlin.

Environmentally friendly technology

OrganoWood的活动基于其核心专利技术,即硅物质通过有机催化作用与木材中的纤维结合. 基于这种环保技术,处理后的木材材料具有有效的防火和防腐作用.

Business Sweden provided us with a thorough market check, 我们需要在德国市场上遵守的标准和认证的映射, 最终帮助我们找到了国内最好的销售和分销合作伙伴 Jens Hamlin, CEO at OrganoWood

“我们的座右铭是,像我们这样的环保公司应该保护木材,不杀死任何生物. 你可以说,我们把食物藏起来,不让木头破坏生物,这样它们就去了别的地方。”, says Jens Hamlin.

尽管有一个普遍的趋势,特别是在欧洲,建筑中的环境问题已经得到了关注,变得越来越有吸引力, 有机木材在出口方面的经验教训是,进入一个新市场需要时间. In addition, the construction industry is very conservative.

“We do not work with fast-moving consumer goods. Most people only buy one deck twice in their lives. However, as we already have entered a market, 比如德国——一个非常关注环境的国家,正在寻找压力浸渍木材的替代品, the demand for our products is increasing. In 2020 we delivered 300 cubic metres of wood and in 2021 1 000 cubic metres. It has become clear that we stand for something new – a change of technology”, says Henrik Edlund, Export Sales Manager at OrganoWood.

There is also an environmental awakening in Japan according to Henrik Edlund. The country imports to a large extent tropical wood, 出口路线长,可追溯性低(例如可能涉及雨林破坏). Also there is a great demand for wood in Japan, as it is lighter than steel and concrete and has intrinsic flexibility, making it more resilient to earthquake loading. Japan may therefore be OrganoWood’s next target market.

“我们希望OrganoWood将我们视为他们的成长伙伴,我们将有机会继续支持他们进入更多的市场, says Cecilia Hedlund, Consultant at Business Sweden in Paris.


为OrganoWood提供德国趋势和市场前提的概述, French, 加拿大和日本市场-作为进入一个或多个市场的战略决策的输入.

Find suitable sales partners for the company in Germany, France, and Canada.


了解环保浸渍的市场趋势和潜力, 此外,该公司还需要在市场上遵守标准和认证

通过分析分销价值链和竞争对手的情况,确定合适的分销商概况. Followed by identifying top partner candidates, initiate contact and arrange meetings with potential partners.


Prioritisation of high potential markets and fine-tuned go-to-market strategies.

Distribution in Germany and increasing demand for OrganoWood’s products.



OrganoWood AB销售和销售环保型木制品,是全球唯一的包层环保分类压力浸渍供应商, decking timber and construction timber. The surface treatments can be used on all types of wood.

The company is currently active on the Swedish, Norwegian, Finish, Danish and German markets, whereof Sweden represents 85 % of turnover. The objective is to increase export to existing and new markets, as well as to introduce new products.